A couple days ago, RJ and the kids indulged me, and we went for a quick evening walk and got a few photos for Father's Day.

It was rather miserably hot, and still so bright out, because the kids have a 7:30pm bedtime, and the sun doesn't set till 10pm!

James was so tired, but he still stoically gave his "big hug" to RJ when we asked him to, though with considerably less enthusiasm than he usually has, when he's full of energy :)

I stole this frame from my parent's home for these photos, I know it's hard to read, but it says, "Being grateful for what we have, turns what we have, into enough."

I completely love that quote, and have been reflecting on it lately.

When my life is filled with these blessings, plus the little one happily kicking away in my belly, how can I be anything but grateful?

So this Father's Day, I'm especially grateful for the man who is such an amazing father to our children.

The example he sets for our kids on hard work, and taking the bumps of life is going to be invaluable to them someday.

(Theo absolutely insisted on this photo, and it was so sweet!)

We love you Daddy!!! Happy Father's Day!
